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The Missing Geometry Lesson
54 minutes
Dance of the Archetypes
Dance of the Archetypes
The Missing Geometry Lesson
Take a 45 minute journey through uncharted geometric territories, in this stimulating lesson you can't miss any longer!
What if the Planets are Hollow?
Small version (24x52.5")
What if the Planets are Hollow?
Large version (36x78.7")
Sufficient for the office or the classroom (secondary math and science AND BEYOND), this poster presents ideas that are not directly inserted into the curriculum. Designed as a conversation-starter that can draw students out, this poster represents the SPUTNIK MOMENT, for a new generation of thinkers. Small Version. Printed on high quality photo-glossy paper.
Designed for the classroom with considerable wall space (secondary math and science AND BEYOND), this poster presents ideas that are not directly inserted into the curriculum. Designed as a conversation-starter that can draw students out, this poster represents the SPUTNIK MOMENT, for a new generation of thinkers. Large Version.
The nine planet sculpture set is sized so that the four large gaseous are all approximately 5" tall. The hand painted sets will be a limited edition. Signed and numbered at the base, these may become collectible.
This is a nine element sculpture set. The relative sizes of the elements can be approximated from the photo.
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agartha,aliens,Aricebo,Astronomy,conrad discontinuity,Creation by Design,Editorhpa,Fitz James O'brien,Geometry,Geometry Standards,God,hollow earth,hollow earth theory,icosahedron,Kepler,mars,moho discontinuity,octahedron,planet,planetaryarchetypes,Planets,Plato,Proctor & Gamble,Ptolemy,Pythagoras,regular polyhedra,Stars,Sun,sun inside earth,the hollow earth theory,theory,Thrive,thule society,tetrahedron,bermuda Triangle,ufo,ufos,universe,vril society